Category: CheckMK

  • New Ceph plugin for CheckMK

    In my last post I showed you that a bug exists regarding the monitoring of Ceph in CheckMK (at least until 2.3.0p18). Also I reported that an alternate plugin exists and that I will test it. Here are my findings. Installation First you have to remove /etc/check_mk/ceph.cfg and /usr/lib/check_mk_agent/plugins/mk_ceph from all monitored Ceph hosts. It…

  • CheckMK bug: wrong “total size” of Ceph pools

    In my last post I showed you how to monitor your Proxmox Ceph storage with CheckMK. Let’s have a look. In my home lab I have a 256 GB Ceph pool CEPHPOOL1. As long as it’s empty it looks like this in CheckMK: The total size displayed is only 243 GB, probably due to Ceph…

  • Monitor your Proxmox Ceph storage with CheckMK

    You have added Ceph storage to your Proxmox servers, but you don’t yet see them in CheckMK. The usual service discovery process doesn’t bring up anything Ceph related. This is because Ceph data is not collected by the CheckMK agent by itself. You need to copy a plugin to the Proxmox server being monitored and…